In the modern construction world, a crane is the most sought and used equipment. They are widely used in almost every second construction project. It helps you to reach the height which is impossible instead. A crane also makes it super easy to lift the heaviest and largest loads to a certain height. 

A crane potentially decreases the risk of human accidents by reducing human effort. But it does not mean that a crane cannot potentially cause any hazards. Have you ever thought a crane can also cause some serious concern? You must be surprised about it but it is true.

Let us tell you some potential hazards that can be caused by using a crane on the construction site.

  • Overhead Power Cables

While working with any construction equipment whether a trackhoe for sale or a crane, you must be careful about all the possible hazards around the site. On the construction sites, a lot of overhead power cables are installed that are not visible while moving a crane. A crane is dedicated to moving upside while lifting a load, so you must care about all the power cables. 

If these power cables are in working condition then they may cause serious hazards to the people working on the site. Hence, pre-inspection and site preparation must be needed to avoid any accidents caused by these power cables.

  • Rough Terrain

Although, a crane can move very easily on rough terrain. However, care must be taken while moving a load with a crane. Any uneven surface or a large obstacle can disbalance the machine and the load may fall on the ground. To avoid such conditions, check the ground level before landing a crane on site. Try to stand the crane on an even surface so that it keeps balanced with the load. Make sure no other individual is standing or working around the crane. 

  • Buildings Around the Construction Site

When you are working with a crane in a residential or even a commercial area, it is important to take care of buildings around the site. The cranes are heavy machines that lift loads to carry up to height. Any mismanagement or negligence may cause serious problems to the buildings around. Construct safety guards around the site before working with a crane. It is also important to inform and alert the authorities of the buildings around the site and strictly follow the safety precautions.


All the heavy construction equipment whether a trackhoe for sale or a crane needs to be operated very carefully. A crane is an equipment that helps in lifting and carrying heavy loads up to a certain height without needing human effort. Although, while moving the loads with a crane, make sure to avoid any accidents by following simple precautions. In this article, we have mentioned some potential risks that can be caused by using a crane. You can know about them and keep your site safe from any mishaps.

Abdul Taha

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